
Any reader of Aquinas will eventually encounter the terms 'internal senses' and 'cogitative power,' as well as 'passive intellect' and 'particular reason.' The primary goal of this website is to facilitate understanding of Aquinas's view of the internal senses in general and the cogitative in particular. With the topic of the cogitative perhaps more than with any other in Thomas’s psychology, one cannot fully understand Aquinas’s assertions without taking into account three philosophers between Aristotle and Aquinas, namely Avicenna, Averroes, and Albert.
This site presents my research, which focuses on (though is not limited to) the accounts of the soul and of the internal senses in these five thinkers.
I will also present links to other relevant sources on the cogitative power that would not come up immediately via a standard search engine.
Secondarily, since I am a philosopher by profession, I will post non-cogitative related philosophical or theological material for any who might be interested.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Cogitative Power: Objects and Terminology (full text)

My article in the Thomist included a promissory note referring to a forthcoming book.

The good news is that much progress has been made on the book project.   

However, until it is published, my dissertation addresses various topics in sufficient detail to benefit interested readers. 

The book manuscript is now so far removed from the dissertation in terms of documentation, depth of analysis, etc. that it compares to the relevant parts of the dissertation as my two articles compare to chapters 2 and 7. 

 For the expanded and corrected versions of chapters 2 and 7, see the post below from 2012: “Recent work on the Cogitative Power.” As is the case with the two articles, while the book does not alter the fundamental conclusions in the dissertation, it does correct or modify many points of detail.

Even after the book is (God willing) published, the dissertation may be of interest regarding the secondary literature. Since the book is intended for a broader audience, it omits or abbreviates some discussion of and many references to scholarly articles.

The dissertation seeks to pick up where Klubertanz's book left off in 1952 by addressing all the secondary literature since then, and re-examining all the primary texts. Ideally, one would read Klubertanz before reading this dissertation. Sadly, it is out of print.

If you make use of this dissertation, please be so kind as to acknowledge it in relevant footnotes. 
I close with the late Fr. Benedict Ashley’s comments: “I have at last finished reading your dissertation, but will continue ponder it. It is really a fine work dealing with a very important subject and I have already learned much from it….Your discussion of the roles of the cogitative, of intentions, and of sortals are extremely helpful…I see I will have to revise my thinking of such points a great deal.” (email, 21 May 2009)

Feel free to recommend the text to Thomists in particular, Medieval philosophers in general, or to anyone interested in philosophical psychology or epistemology.




Ch. 1:

Ch. 2:

 Ch. 3:

Ch. 4:

Ch. 5:

Ch. 6:

Ch. 7:

Ch. 8:

Ch. 9:



Friday, November 30, 2018

Angels and devils (non-cogitative-related)

Here is an interview on pure spirits (angels and devils) from a philosophical and theological perspective; given 4/19/12 on Focus Catholic Television (New Orleans). It is based on my course on angelology and demonology.